If you go to Settings > Analytics, you can adjust the general analytics settings and create a link with Google Tag Manager (GTM) or Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
Analytics are part of Plug&Pay Premium or -Ultimate. Do you use Plug&Pay Lite? Upgrade to Premium or Ultimate to use this feature.
Analytics settings
The Analytics settings allow you to choose which data you forward to your confirmation pages. This is important if you want to create a link to another system, for example to measure sales with Google Analytics 4.
Order value including VAT: If you tick this box, orders will be measured including VAT. If you untick this box, all orders will be measured excluding VAT. Most entrepreneurs want to measure their orders excluding VAT, because that is their actual turnover.
Send order value to confirmation page: If you tick this box, the order value is forwarded to your confirmation page. This allows for measuring the order value per sale. The order value is relevant because it can differ per sale if you work with order bumps and/or upsells.
Send name and email to the confirmation page: If you tick this box, the name and email address are forwarded to your confirmation page. You can use this option if you want to display the name of a customer on a confirmation page you created yourself.
If you use a Plug&Pay confirmation page, this is not necessary.
Send encrypted data to confirmation page: If you tick the box above and use Meta Ads, it is essential that you also tick this box. If you do not tick this box, Meta will send you a notification that prohibited data is forwarded to your confirmation page, and potentially terminate your Meta Ads account.
Use specific order confirmation URL per checkout: If a customer buys a product, they are redirected to an order confirmation URL. If you tick this box, the order confirmation URL contains the slug of the checkout. This allows you to see what purchase is made on which checkout.
If you untick this box, the same order confirmation URL is used for all checkouts - making it impossible to track which checkout is used to place an order.
In order to link your Google Tag Manager account, you use a GTM code.
In order to link your Google Analytics account, you use a UA- or G-code, depending on your Google Analytics version.