With Metal Pixel, you can measure exactly how many users visited a checkout, upsell- or confirmation page.
This is ideal: you know exactly which users completed the payment process, and those who have not.
If users did not complete the payment process, you can create separate adverts to encourage them to purchase your product.
1. Create a new pixel
If you have not created a Meta Pixel, you must create one first in Meta's Business Manager.
On the left side of the menu you will see Data Sources and below that Datasets. You can add a new pixel by clicking Add.
In the screen for creating the pixel, you only need to enter a name. After entering the name and clicking Create you can move on to the next step!
2. Enter your Pixel ID
In order to link Plug&Pay with Meta Pixel you must copy your Meta Pixel ID in the Meta Business Manager:
In Plug&Pay navigate to Settings > Plugins > Facebook Pixel > Link:
Enter the ID of your Meta Pixel here:
ℹ️ Would you also like to install the Conversions API? Read this article
3. Check whether your Meta Pixel is properly installed
Once your Meta Pixel ID is added to your plugins, it is placed on your checkouts, landing-, upsell- and confirmation pages.
A handy way to check if the Meta Pixel is properly installed is to use the Google Chrome extension Meta Pixel Helper.
Once you install this browser extension, you can see which Meta Pixel and which events are loaded on your page:
4. View conversions within Meta
After installing the Meta Pixel for your Plug&Pay environment, you must adjust settings within Meta to retrieve any event information.
View the conversions and events in the Meta Business Manager under Events Manager > Datasets.
Th Overview tab displays the activity of your pixel:
The different events
An event is sent to Meta when various actions are taken on your pages. These are the different events:
Add to Cart: This is a page view on your checkout.
Initiate Checkout: The customer starts the payment process
Purchase: The customer arrives at the confirmation page. This means that the customer has completed the payment process.
❗Plug&Pay only measures a purchase event if you use the standard confirmation page. If you use a confirmation page template, you must manually add a script for the Meta Pixel to this specific confirmation page template.
Tip: Test the different events
After placing a test order in your Plug&Pay environment, you can navigate to Meta Test Events and see exactly which events were triggered:
If you click on an event, it shows via which exact URL the event was triggered:
5. Creating a custom conversion (optional)
If you have multiple checkouts, you most likely want to see for which checkout an add to cart event is measured. You can set this up via custom conversions within Meta Business Manger. Navigate to Data Sources > Custom Conversions:
Click on Add to create a new custom conversion. When creating the custom conversion, choose the pixel you use for Plug&Pay and the conversion event.
For this example, I want to measure how many users open a specific checkout and therefore select Add to cart. As a rule, I enter the URL that must be used for this custom conversion:
Once the custom conversion is created, I can see exactly the amount of times the Add to cart event is triggered:
❗️Be careful not to use the preview version of your checkout as the URL!
Custom conversions for an upsell flow + confirmation page
Do you use upsells and do you want to measure whether users purchase an upsell? Create a custom conversion specifically for this.
If a user arrives at your first upsell page, it also means that they purchased the product from your checkout. Since this is the only way to arrive at the upsell page, you can therefore measure a purchase event for the main product.
With second (or more) upsell pages, it is a bit different. On an upsell page, you either buy the (new) offer or click no thanks. In both cases, the user is redirected to the next upsell page. Is it therefore difficult to tell if a user bought the first upsell. This is why skipped=1 is added to the URL if someone does not take the offer.
Time for an example
This is my upsell flow in Plug&Pay:
In this example, there is a checkout followed by two upsells and a confirmation page.
If I buy the upsell, I see this event in Meta:
If I do not buy the upsell, I see this event in Meta:
You see the same URL, but with the addition skipped=1.
While creating the custom conversion for upsells, I can exclude events where skipped=1 appears in the URL. This ensures that Meta only measures users who bought the upsell. As a rule I enter that the URL must contain the URL of my upsell page, and may not contain skipped=1:
Frequently asked questions
Can I measure a page view with the Meta Pixel within Plug&Pay?
Can I measure a page view with the Meta Pixel within Plug&Pay?
If you enter the your Meta Pixel ID via Settings > Plugins, as explained in this manual, no page views are measured, only events.
Do you want to measure page views? Clear the Meta Pixel ID, and paste the Meta Pixel Script via Settings > Widgets instead:
The <script> you enter here is loaded for every checkout.
Can I see in Meta Business Manager whether an order bump is purchased or not?
Can I see in Meta Business Manager whether an order bump is purchased or not?
No, unfortunately this is not possible.
Is it possible to create a distinction between up- and downsells?
Is it possible to create a distinction between up- and downsells?
No, unfortunately this is not possible. However, a Google Tag Manager update is in the work in order to facilitate this.