In Plug&Pay you can create a theme for your landing pages and checkouts. The theme determines the colours, fonts and other design elements, such as your buttons. By creating a theme, you can be sure that all different pages fit in with your corporate identity!
Create a new theme
You can create and edit themes via Settings > Themes:
In this overview, you see which themes you have created. If you click on a theme, you see an example of what a page looks like on the right-hand side.
You can click on New theme to create a new theme, or click on the Pencil icon to edit an already existing theme:
Adjusting a theme
You can change the colours of your theme. You can choose a primary and a secondary colour. It is important that the primary and secondary colours do not resemble each other too much. The primary colour is used for buttons and should therefore stand out.
π‘ Already have a fixed corporate identity? Choose the opposite colour as your primary colour. For example, if you have a blue corporate colour, you could use an orange colour for your primary colour. It may feel counterintuitive, but such a striking button really does increase conversion.
Adjust the font, size and colour. You can adjust the normal text (paragraph) as well as all headings. You can use all Google Fonts for your theme.
The landing pages have primary- and secondary buttons, and buttons with an outline, and transparent buttons. You can change the design of these buttons.
There are cards in various blocks. For example, in a content unit you have three elements next to each other. You can also change the design of these and give these three blocks a border or a shadow.
Using a theme
When creating a new landing page, you can immediately select your own theme. For your checkouts, you can select the theme by first creating the checkout and editing it afterwards.
New landing page
When creating a new landing page, you can choose your own theme at the bottom of the first step.
Existing landing page
When editing an existing page, click on the paint palette icon and select your theme!
At your checkout, you can change the theme under General > Layout: