Sell your courses directly through your Huddle with the Plug&Pay link! Have you created a new course and would you like to offer it to your users? Automatically create a new product and checkout in Plug&Pay, or link an existing product.
This way, members can pay directly
Users who do not have access to your course can find a checkout button when they view the course. With one click of a button, they are taken to your checkout where they can pay to immediately gain access to the course:
Has the user completed the checkout process? They immediately return to Huddle, including the right access level. This allows users to start with the course right away!
Link with Plug&Pay
To use think link, go to Settings > Integrations:
In the Integrations overview you can select Plug&Pay:
If you click on it you can press Connect. If you are logged in your Plug&Pay environment you can click Connect again. Otherwise log in first.
That is all there is to it! The link is created!
Do you want to deactivate the link? Click on the trash can icon:
Set up product and checkout
Select the course you want to sell to your users, and click on the Access tab. If an access level is selected you can press Start selling to set up the right product and checkout.
You are given the option to select an existing product or to create a new product:
If you choose an existing product, you already have a product in Plug&Pay and it will be linked to a checkout.
If you choose a new product, you create a new product within Huddle. Once created, it is automatically added to your Plug&Pay environment, included a new checkout.
Access levels
In the settings of the instant payment link, you indicate which access levels are added after purchase.
Linked access levels
Have you already set access levels in Plug&Pay yourself? These are shown in Huddle under Linked access levels. Because they are set in Plug&Pay, they are linked and ticked in Huddle.
If you want to remove this access level, you must remove this in Plug&Pay:
Selling access levels
Do you also want to sell other access levels after purchasing this product? You can select these access levels under the heading Sell access levels.
Change linked product
Once everything is set up, you will see the linked product listed. You can use the three dots on the right to adjust or unlink the product.
If you want to make changes to the product or the checkout itself, you will have to do this in Plug&Pay.
Add salespage
If you have created a salespage for your product you can add the URL of this salespage via the Settings tab.
Strengthen your offer by adding Unique Selling Points and Frequently Asked Questions.
A More information button will now appear under the Checkout button for your course. Your USPs and FAQs are also listed:
Frequently asked questions
How does this work if my Huddle is public?
How does this work if my Huddle is public?
If you Huddle is public, you can still use this feature. A field for entering an email adress is shown to users. After purchase, a Huddle account is created with this email address, in order for the user to follow the course.
How many Plug&Pay shops can I link to my Huddle environment?
How many Plug&Pay shops can I link to my Huddle environment?
You can link one Plug&Pay shop per Huddle environment.