You can customise your email settings for invoice, payment reminders and announcement emails at Settings > Email settings:
Email settings
The settings on this screen relate to the emails you send to your customers. Looking for your own email notifications? Read all about it here.
There are four boxes here that you can tick or untick:
Enable invoice emails for direct debits: If this box is ticked, customers receive invoice emails for every direct debit invoice.
By default, this is turned off.Enable invoice emails for new orders: If this box is ticked, customers receive invoice emails for each order that is placed. If you prefer to send order confirmations via your own accounting software, untick this box.
By default, this is turned on.Enable emails for payment reminders: If this box is ticked, customers receive a reminder for cancelled orders within 15 minutes of placing an order, but not completing the checkout process.
By default, this is turned on.Enable emails for failed invoices: If this box is ticked, customers receive an email in case of a failed direct debit payment. A direct debit payment can fail due to insufficient funds in a bank account, or if the customer reversed the order.
Announcement email
Do you sell subscriptions or instalment payments? It is best practice to remind your customers of their incoming direct debit payment. This reduces the risk of reversal of the order.
Enable announcement email for direct debits by moving this slider. You can decide for which orders / products an announcement email is sent:
Changing your email templates
Are you wondering how to change your email template? Read all about it here.
Setting up your own email address
Are you wondering how to set up your own address for sending emails? Read all about it here.